sobota, 20 czerwca 2015

#archwium_życia 37872463282847623


Morris #trudnamiłość

#drinkporno #pornodrink


"Gdy dorosły chmurny - marszczy brew,
Wtedy wojna jest i psika krew.
Wojna to sport, a sport to zdrowie:
Skoki do gardła i rzuty ołowiem.
Zawsze jest powód do użycia noża,
Płock żąda dostępu do morza!
Żołnierz na wojnie gnije w okopie,
żona pisze: brzuch duży i mały kopie...
Myśli żołnierz - w dupie z wami i waszymi wojnami."

wtorek, 9 czerwca 2015


In the abyss of the devil's grasp, happiness wrapped in a metal cast, love is just lost moments, hunted by gods owners, incidents set by the free masons, innocence wrecked in police stations, this the year of the anti christ its here the sacrifice. From the depths of the darkness, digested by the heartless, drenched in the scent of a carcass, playing within deaths advancements, unprotected sex is harmless, receiving texts from martians, the echoes left by arguments possessed by harshness.

wtorek, 2 czerwca 2015

K.R. Ufo - Palemajki | Tenth Degree Records

Hello, ISOCHRONIC Vol.2 is now available! Compilation by Tenth Degree Records with my track "Palemajki" :)

Our new compilation series, Isochronic, showcases our resident artists as well as selected musicians from across the globe. The focus is reinterpretations as well as traditional renditions of Juke and Footwork.

Isochronic Volume 2 features POLISH JUKE members, K.R. UFO and DUBSKNIT alongside a talented roster of individuals, including but not limited to members of JUKE BOUNCE WERK , TEKK DJ'z, and FRESHMOON.